Accepted Sessions

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Session Speakers Experience level Track
From User Personas to Testing: A Project Manager's Journey Towards Behat miche Beginner Drupal Business
Fun with Forms in Drupal 8 eojthebrave Intermediate Coding and Development
Functional PHP Crell Intermediate Coding and Development
Future-proof your Drupal 7 site Dave Reid Beginner Site Building
Get Better Results With User Testing – Why, When, What and How lwinter, dgorton Beginner User Experience Design
Getting more out of your logs: Logstash and Graylog2 tizzo Advanced DevOps
Getting started with Grunt for better frontend ops sjbassett Beginner Frontend
Give Bug Fixes a URL with Tugboat blakehall, q0rban Intermediate DevOps
Go Continuous Delivery: Mastering and Automating Complex DevOps rgristroph, August1914 Advanced DevOps
How to design impactful user research Bojhan Intermediate User Experience Design
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie... 3 perspectives on managing scope and scalability jmoughon, robb-astonish, walkercd Beginner Drupal Business
Implement Foundation or Other Front-End Frameworks in Your Theme jmoughon Intermediate Frontend
Improving the ROI of your Drupal Website with Updated Content Strategy dawnborglund Intermediate Business Showcase
Introducing the Drupal 8 Configuration System mtift Intermediate Site Building
Introduction to Panopoly and Drupal distributions dsnopek Beginner Site Building
Keys to Success for Architecting Drupal bnthms88 Beginner Business Showcase
Kiva: Changing the World with Drupal coderintherye Beginner Case Studies
Layout Design Patterns pixelwhip Beginner Frontend
Left of The (Digital) Dial: Reflections on Building a Platform for 150+ Radio Stations CrookedNumber Intermediate Case Studies
Let's Get Uncomfortable: Embracing Fear and Risk as Parts of a UX Process kenwoodworth Beginner User Experience Design


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