Implement Foundation or Other Front-End Frameworks in Your Theme


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How do you get popular frameworks such as Foundation or Bootstrap to work with your theme? What about features that don't work right away? Are sub-themes a good approach?

In this session we will cover an opinionated and tested approach to implementing themes with front-end frameworks. The talk will use Foundation for examples, but the principle can be applied to other frameworks, such as Bootstrap.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the purpose of front-end frameworks.
  • How to go from prototype to theme.
  • How to implement the framework's features.
  • Overriding Drupal's defaults to work with the framework.
  • You don't need the Kitchen Sink: Thoughts on features and performance.
  • A note about sub-theming.

About the Speaker:

James Moughon is a Developer at Astonish Design. James implements unique solutions with Drupal and other technologies. He has successfully implemented Foundation and other front-end frameworks on many projects.

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Thursday · 01:00-02:00
17 - Forum One | 4th floor


James is an excellent presenter and knows his stuff. Attend one of his sessions, and you'll know your stuff, too. Also, Foundation is a particular passion du jour for James, so this presentation will be plenty stocked and engaging.

He talked about performance and how UI frameworks tend to be heavier than customized styles. This is all about page weight. However his metrics and diagrams all talked about latency. Two different things with different implications for optimizing web performance.

Also showed some slides comparing Bootstrap with Foundation. Charts were on different scales. Bootstrap was overwhelmingly more popular according to his stats, but he never spoke to why he chose Foundation.

Talk never really got to any Drupal specifics despite claiming to address how to incorporate a framework into Drupal.

jmoughon’s picture

I would love to cover any gaps you feel that I left. There were some questions at the end that addressed why I chose Foundation and some more specifics about implementation.