Getting more out of your logs: Logstash and Graylog2


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Keeping a Drupal site online doesn't just mean running cron and installing php updates, it means making sure that the entire stack is functioning properly. If you have a problem, checking Drupal's log is a good starting point but it's often not enough. Your site health isn't just Drupal's health, it's your web server (Apache/Nginx), php installation (mod_php/fpm), database server (MySQL/PostgreSQL), reverse proxy cache (Varnish/Nginx), search service (Solr/Elasticsearch), in memory cache (Redis/Memcache), and likely a few other services.

What you really want is some way to pull together all of the log files across all of your servers so that you can easily aggregate, review, correlate and even alert on them when something goes wrong (or even before it goes wrong).

In this session we'll focus on how you can use the amazingly compose-able and powerful Logstash for log collection and the amazingly feature-rich Graylog2 for viewing and alerting. We will take a look at how to configure these tools and how to use them. We will also look at the best ways to send the log events you care about from your Drupal application to your log index so that you can be sure to collect all the information you need.

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Tuesday · 02:15-03:15
16 - Pantheon | 4th floor


HeathN’s picture

I'm sorry, but how is this in violation of anything related to Viacom? Can we get another link to this please?

tizzo’s picture

I sampled the Log song from Ren and Stimpy (because logging). I thought it was fair use, the youtube bot didn't. I'm going to record the same content with those slides removed this weekend and will post a link (and try to get the embedded video changed) when finished.

liquid06’s picture

I had a tough choice between great sessions during this timeslot at Drupalcon and I had to miss this one. I'd really love to watch it though, so I hope someone can get it re-posted!

tizzo’s picture

I'll work on getting it reposted and should be able to fix up the working vagrant box example in the next couple of days as well, I'll keep you posted.

tizzo’s picture

I'll work on getting it reposted and should be able to fix up the working vagrant box example in the next couple of days as well, I'll keep you posted.

tizzo’s picture

I'll work on getting it reposted and should be able to fix up the working vagrant box example in the next couple of days as well, I'll keep you posted.