Accepted Sessions

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Session Speakers Experience level Track
OpenSaaS: Why Drupal is the perfect platform for open-source + SaaS businesses ahoppin, joshk, robertDouglass, chrisyates Intermediate Drupal Business
OpenShift and Drupal: A story of true open source collaboration and innovation Steven Merrill, Diane Mueller Beginner Business Showcase
People want to help. They dont know what to do! Let's make d.o issue picking easier YesCT Beginner Core Conversations
Planning for Performance jrbeeman, erikwebb Intermediate DevOps
Q&A with Dries Dries Intermediate Core Conversations
Responding to Responsive: A designer’s guide to adapting joshriggs Intermediate User Experience Design
Riding Tandem: Lessons from a Drupal + CRM + eCommerce Overhaul mortona2k, kvoelker, arh1 Intermediate Business Showcase
ROTARY.ORG: How and Why a .NET Organization Selected Drupal mdorman Beginner Business Showcase
Routing: From Symfony via CMF to Drupal mikl Intermediate Symfony by SensioLabs
Running a Distributed Drupal Shop Annabella Beginner Drupal Business
Sales Tax and the Drupal Commerce Merchant jamesber Advanced Business Showcase
Scaling Drupal for Higher-ed Institutions linneawilliams, Brie Pendleton, John Bickar, nflowers1228, cdulude Intermediate Case Studies
Securing the Stack: Hardening Your Drupal Deployment mstanislav Beginner DevOps
Securing Your Drupal Site: advice for site builders and coders greggles, scor Intermediate Site Building
Semantic Site Architecture Jody Lynn Intermediate Site Building
Should Drupal power your native mobile app? kleonard, luke.anderson Beginner Business Showcase
Spark: Authoring Experience++ in Drupal 7, 8, and beyond webchick Beginner Site Building
Spinning up Drupal sites in 5 minutes or less ycombinator Beginner Business Showcase
Status of Migrate in 8 mikeryan, Ryan Weal, ultimike, chx, bdone Intermediate Core Conversations
Stomp complexity sdboyer Advanced Coding and Development


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