Securing Your Drupal Site: advice for site builders and coders


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Once you know how to see them, identifying website securty probelms is as easy as seeing typos in writtten words. The primary goal of this session is to give people a solid basis in the most common security issues so they can quickly identify those security issues. From there, we'll move into some other common pain-points of site builders like frequently made mistakes, modules to enhance security, and evaluating contributed module quality.

Key points:

  • How to identify common security problems like Cross Site Scripting, Cross Site Request Forgeries, Access Bypass, and SQL Injection
  • Common configuration mistakes in core and contributed modules to avoid
  • Modules you can use to enhance the security of your site
  • How to review contributed modules and custom code to ensure your site stays safe

The session audience will leave with greater confidence knowing what problems they should be worried about, which ones aren't as important, and what tools they can use to help make their site more secure.

Hide Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x
Time slot: 
Tuesday · 02:15-03:15
18 - Acquia | 4th floor


dstol’s picture

Often the first line of defense for a secure site is the site builder. This is a must attend session for anyone who builds Drupal sites.

Provides a good information to what to look for when attempting to secure sites. Thanks Greg and team.