Scaling Drupal for Higher-ed Institutions

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It no secret that Drupal has enjoyed a strong growth trend in higher education. That's the good news. The bad news is that it's still hard to do, especially when the horizon is no longer building a single website or application, but to scale up successfully to provide a platform for an entire university. This panel of experts will reveal what is working.

Moderator: Linnea Williams, Stanford University
Christina Dulude, Dartmouth College
Brie Pendleton, Harvard University
John Bickar, Stanford University
Nancy Flowers-Mangs, Yale University

This panel will address how each of these institutions evolved their campus strategies over time, from a technical, as well as community perspective. Topics will include: the risks and rewards of running Drupal as a platform for a university with in-house resources; employing principles of product design in maintaining and growing a Drupal platform; revealing the pros and cons of Distributions vs. small Features loosely joined; building community and internal teams, support and training.

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Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x
Time slot: 
Thursday · 10:45-11:45
16 - Pantheon | 4th floor


Do you guys have social media handles or other contact info? I was hoping to chat a bit deeper about your technical setup.

What a great presentation. The post-session buzz at the presenter's table was active and lasted for some time — meaning there's a greater need for this discussion to continue. There is the g.d.o group now: Wouldn't it be awesome to see this discussion continue there?

jsantos65’s picture

Thanks, perfect format and wonderful speakers! Being a semi-new developer in a Higher Ed environment, I was relieve to hear that my duties and expectations are just as random as any other campus! Wish you four presented every day!