Stéphane scor Corlosquet has been a driving force in incorporating Semantic Web capabilities into the core of the Drupal Content Management System. He has contributed to Drupal 6, Drupal 7 core and Drupal 8 core. He is the maintainer the RDF module in Drupal 7 and Drupal 8, and is a member of the Drupal security team. Since joining the community in 2005, he has been a speaker at many DrupalCons and DrupalCamps in Europe, North America and Latin America, mostly on the topic of Drupal and the Semantic Web. See scor's Drupal profile to know more about his contributions to the Drupal project.
Stéphane contributed two chapters to the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7: Chapter 28 on the Semantic Web and Drupal, and chapter 6 on Security in Drupal.
Stéphane currently works at Acquia as a senior software engineer. Previously he worked at the MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease (MIND), MGH as Software Engineer to develop the Science Collaboration Framework, a Drupal-based distribution to build online communities of researchers in biomedecine. In the past he has been in charge of IT and web development of Iciformation and Eco Innovation.