Accepted Sessions

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Session Speakers Experience level Track
Double header: Life on the bleeding edge: tracking new PHP versions | Lessons from a Drupal + CRM + eCommerce Overhaul LawnGnome, mortona2k, kvoelker Beginner Business Showcase
Double header: Sales Tax and the Drupal Commerce Merchant | Should Drupal power your native mobile app? jamesber, kleonard, luke.anderson Beginner Business Showcase
Drupal 8 core is more multilingual than Drupal 7 with all of contrib Schnitzel Intermediate Site Building
Drupal 8 Entity API fago Intermediate Coding and Development
Drupal 8 In a Nutshell kim.pepper, boztek Intermediate Coding and Development
Drupal 8 Theme System: hook_theme() to Twig template Cottser, joelpittet Intermediate Frontend
Drupal by Design LewisNyman Beginner Core Conversations
Drupal Career TrailHead; Embark on a Path to Success Gwendolyn, ultimike Beginner Labs
Drupal Career TrailHead; Embark on a Path to Success (Continued) Gwendolyn, ultimike Beginner Labs
Drupal for Local Gov- How San Mateo County Is Raising The Bar With OpenPublic fmphaynes Intermediate Case Studies
Drupal Site Tuneup - Vroom vroom! Kristen Pol Intermediate Site Building
Drupal's Destiny? joshk Beginner Core Conversations
Drupal, meet Assetic kriswallsmith Intermediate Symfony by SensioLabs
Effective use of common PHP IDEs with Drupal valthebald Intermediate Coding and Development
Enabling better, easier builds with BDD nielsonm Intermediate DevOps
File entity and Media modules heading to Drupal 8 Dave Reid Intermediate Core Conversations
Forecast: Cloudy, with more on the way emandel Beginner Business Showcase
From Content Strategy to Drupal Site Building - Connecting the Dots ronald_istos Beginner Site Building
From Drupal consultant to product company: the scenic route to freedom kvantomme Beginner Drupal Business
From proposal to thank-you note; a documentation discussion dianadupuis Intermediate Drupal Business


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