Enabling better, easier builds with BDD


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Behavior Driven Development or BDD for short is a new paradigm in testing. Rather than focusing on verifying that the code does what it should, BDD focuses on how users interact with the site. The tests check for expected outcomes, given a set of preconditions. This is not about replacing unit tests, this is about communicating expectations with all the stake holders on a project.

The Drupal extension creates a set of tools and vocabulary terms that are Drupal-specific. This allows non-engineering staff to interact with the outcomes of the project directly by creating Behat tests that meaningfully engage the goals outlined by the client. What's even better, the Drupal extension is available via composer, so keeping a local copy around is unnecessary.

This session will emphasise how BDD and Behat and Mink can support development and deployment. We plan to discuss:

  • when and when NOT to automate BDD features
  • making your tests valuable throughout the entire development cycle
  • how existing Drupal extension features help
  • Behat 3, Mink 2, and the next release of the Drupal extension

We're saving a good portion of time for Q and A. If you have questions about how BDD can support your release cycle, we encourage you to post them early!

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Wednesday ยท 03:45-04:45
17 - Forum One | 4th floor