Drupal by Design


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Drupal is a fantastic framework, product, and community. Drupal is very flexible. Drupal has a huge number of contributors all working to make it better.

This introduces some interesting UI design problems, how do we marry flexibility with consistency? How can Drupal feel like a cohesive user interface despite being working on by hundreds of thousands of hands.

During the Drupal 8 cycle we've been trying to solve these problems. Let's talk about the tools we can create help the entire community make smart design decisions to form a cohesive design. From core developers, contrib module authors, site builders, and designers.

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Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 8.x
Time slot: 
Wednesday · 02:15-03:15
15 - Commerce Guys | 4th floor


Crell’s picture

Are you referring to UX design, Architectural design, or both?

LewisNyman’s picture

Hey Larry, Looks like I totally missed this. Sorry. The talk is about the design problems with user interfaces in Drupal. Maybe the title is a little vague, but catchy. I'll update the description.