Drupal for Local Gov- How San Mateo County Is Raising The Bar With OpenPublic


Click here to watch Drupal for Local Gov- How San Mateo County Is Raising The Bar With OpenPublic

San Mateo County made the decision to move their county's sites to a new, open source Drupal platform built on the OpenPublic Drupal distribution. Using a blend of apps, a shared search index, panels, and content sharing, the new platform was built to maintain a strong central brand while meeting individual agency demand for autonomy, flexibility and scalability.

This panel session will discuss the technical challenges that San Mateo faced from a local government perspective, and how the San Mateo team developed their Drupal strategy to overcome these challenges.

The discussion will include:

  • San Mateo County's website original challenges and goals
  • How we decided on the platform approach: Drupal and OpenPublic
  • Managing multiple sites' requirements with Apps
  • Unified Search and Aggregated content with SOLR
  • Micro and Sub-Sites with Panels
  • Hide Schedule info
    Experience level: 
    Drupal Version: 
    Drupal 7.x
    Time slot: 
    Thursday ยท 02:15-03:15
    17 - Forum One | 4th floor