Accepted Sessions

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Session Speakers Experience level Track
Commerce by Example joshmiller, nvahalik Intermediate Labs, Site Building
Commerce In-App Purchases: Sell Products with a Custom Mobile App scotthooker, tyler.frankenstein Beginner Site Building
Config commands, a Boris shell, Views support, and other new features in Drush 7 moshe weitzman, msonnabaum Intermediate DevOps
Consultancy Scrum: Making agile work for clients and vendors Todd Nienkerk, Paul Benjamin, Suzy Bates Intermediate Drupal Business
Content Staging in Drupal 8 dixon_ Advanced Site Building
Content Strategy Deliverables Snugug, sdboyer Beginner User Experience Design
Content Strategy for Designers jponch Intermediate User Experience Design
Creating a Blog in Drupal 8 & Configuration API kepford Beginner Site Building
Dear EdTech, ELMSLN is here and it wants to replace your vendors. btopro Intermediate Case Studies
Defining and Documenting Successful Drupal Projects rj Intermediate Drupal Business
DEIMS, a Drupal profile for ecological data agentrickard, Dave Reid, Sean Buscay, eneko1907 Beginner Case Studies
Dependency Injection fabpot Intermediate Symfony by SensioLabs
Designing and Configuring a Scalable, High Performing Drupal Website in the Cloud sunithamk Intermediate Business Showcase
DevOps for Humans: Ansible for Drupal Deployment Victory! geerlingguy Advanced DevOps
DevOps leads the way to better Drupal development kevinchampion Advanced DevOps
Documentation Matters jtray Beginner Business Showcase
Don't Let Crappy Content Ruin Your New Site nicelobster Intermediate User Experience Design
Double header: A Perfect Launch, Every Time | Vocational Education, Professional Certificates, and Drupal timani, AndrewKWilson Beginner Business Showcase
Double header: A Scalable, High Performing Drupal Website in the Cloud | Forecast: Cloudy, with more on the way sunithamk, emandel Beginner Business Showcase
Double Header: File entity and media modules | Let's fix file and media handling Dave Reid, slashrsm Advanced Core Conversations


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