Dependency Injection


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Drupal 8 is about some fundamental changes in the way the platform is built: from OOP everywhere to Twig as a templating system. Amongst all these changes, one of them is the usage of the Dependency Injection design pattern. This pattern greatly improves the decoupling and the testability of your code, and it will make Drupal evolutions easier in the future.

During the talk, I'm going to introduce Dependency Injection with real-world examples and then, we are going to learn more about the Symfony Dependency Injection Container which powers Drupal 8.

Don't be afraid, big words do not necessarily mean complexity!

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Symfony by SensioLabs
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 8.x
Time slot: 
Tuesday ยท 10:45-11:45
14 - SensioLabs