Commerce by Example

Click here to watch Commerce by Example

Click here to watch Commerce by Example (continued)

In this session, Josh Miller and Nick Vahalik from Commerce Guys will explore adding and configuring commerce on new and existing sites. Designed to be a follow-along lab, we'll have downloadable installs ready for your use so you can participate in all of the excitement. As much as possible, we'll use existing core and contrib modules and keep the coding to a minimum.

In this session we'll cover...

  • Setting up a subscription on a blog

    In this example, we take a blog and add the ability to create premium content so that only paid subscribers can get access.

  • Adding products to existing content pages

    Have an existing site that you want to utilize for commerce? We'll convert an existing catalog site into an online store.

  • Donation site

    Taking donations is a very common task -- let's make it easy and set it up in a flash.

  • Registrations

    Ah, good old registrations. In this demo, we'll setup a site that allows you to offer basic registrations with a couple of options.

Hide Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x
Time slot: 
Thursday · 01:00-02:00
Thursday · 02:15-03:15
12 - Mediacurrent | 4th floor


thummel’s picture

You need to slow WAY down. It is hard to keep up... I look up at the screen to see what you are doing and then try to do it on my computer but you are already on the next item before I can even get there.

I have a lot of experience with drupal and some with the commerce project but I could not keep up at all.

nvahalik’s picture

Thanks for the feedback. In the future, we'll work to better provide space during the talk to allow folks to catch up (as well as making the directions more accessible).

nvahalik’s picture

The other labs at DrupalCon were uploaded as a single video, so this should have been a 2 hour video. We'll contact the folks responsible for uploading the video and get to the bottom of it.