Accepted Sessions

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Session Speakers Experience level Track
Student, counselor, advocate: the many hats of content strategists bheckman, MadouPDX Intermediate User Experience Design
Successful Requirements Gathering tfish77 Intermediate Drupal Business
Symfony Components In The Wild Drupal Jungle cordoval Intermediate Coding and Development
Tell your story through a Map: Meet the Esri Maps For Drupal Module, justinhough Beginner Business Showcase
The Accessible Experience: Designing for Everyone dcmouyard Beginner User Experience Design
The Battle for the Body Field: Drupal and the future of WYSIWYG eaton Intermediate Core Conversations
The Caching Deep Dive ohthehugemanatee, Souvent22, bmeshjason Advanced Labs
The Caching Deep Dive (Continued) ohthehugemanatee, Souvent22, bmeshjason Advanced Labs
The Danger of Having No WHY emmajane Beginner Core Conversations
The digital commerce ecosystem bojanz, dwkitchen Beginner Coding and Development
The future of Drupal Statistics iamEAP Intermediate Core Conversations
The road to 8.1 Crell Intermediate Core Conversations
The State of Drupal DevOps cyberswat Beginner DevOps
Thinking Inside the Box Inside the Box Inside the Box codingdesigner Advanced Frontend
Thunder and Lightning: LoadStorm and Other Ways to Stress Out Your Drupal Site akucharski Intermediate DevOps
Time Inc's Big Move to Drupal scott.bell, kmoll, tannerg, Matt Miritello Advanced Case Studies
Train Wrecks, Ugly Babies: The Gory Details, Part 2 Susan Rust Intermediate Drupal Business
Twig is dead. Long live Web Components! JohnAlbin Advanced Core Conversations
Twig Playground mortendk, Cottser, joelpittet Intermediate Labs
Twig Playground (Continued) mortendk, Cottser, joelpittet Intermediate Labs


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