The State of Drupal DevOps


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DevOps is a cultural conversation supported by technology. It is ambiguous and hard to define, but this has not stopped it from becoming the Golden Chalice for all things tech. For executives, it has become the ticket that solves their internal software management issues while keeping harmony between Stakeholder, Product, Sales, QA and Engineering. For developers, it gives them control of systems and better methods for integrating their work while protecting them from disgruntled decision makers. It gives operations the consistency and predictability to be able to support their systems while the rest of the organization makes decision after decision that affects them.

I've heard DevOps enough to know that it is here to change the world, but what the hell is it, why should I care, and where does Drupal fit in? Perhaps Drupal's version of DevOps is represented in the host of quick start virtualization projects that exist for Developers. Or maybe it's mired in the debate between Waterfall, Agile and Kanban. Don't forget that DevOps just isn't the same without a few provisioners and orchestration mixed in. I must be DevOps if I can stack my Containers in a way that gives my Chef the ability to deliver exactly what the butler named Jenkins wants. Feeling confused yet? You are not alone.

This session will help us understand what DevOps is and how it relates to the projects, management styles, and systems that our work touches. Armed with this knowledge, we will evaluate Drupal as a community to identify what is working, and what is not. We will address the fragmentation in this space and encourage a conversation that helps us move forward as a community. DevOps, when applied correctly, allows people to shift their focus from the technical challenge of delivering their message to the message itself. This is an important paradigm shift with profound implications ... let's discuss.

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Tuesday · 10:45-11:45
12 - Mediacurrent | 4th floor
