Time Inc's Big Move to Drupal

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Time Inc. has made a tremendous investment in Drupal. Over the last 18 months, they have created a Drupal Center of Excellence, hired Drupal experts and consultants and trained many of their in house developers to work in Drupal. They have developed a large infrastructure around managing editorial Drupal sites and integrated Drupal into their legacy systems. They have built a world class editorial tool for managing online publishing with Drupal.

In 2014 Time Inc. plans to move all of their 24 magazine titles to the Drupal platform they have built. This presentation will give attendees insight into the process of how Time Inc. came to the decision to use Drupal, how they put a training program and governance model in place to integrate Drupal into the organization and what technical challenges were overcome in the process.

Also, this presentation will give the audience an under the hood view of the tools and processes put in place to help Time Inc. move it's very large online publishing business to the Drupal platform.

This presentation will be in a panel format and will be lead by Matt Miritello, Technical Director at Time Inc. He will be joined by some of the key technical people that worked with Time Inc on this project including Scott Bell, Kevin Moll and Tanner Dorheim who served as Technical Consultants on the project.

Matt Miritello will give an overview of the history of digital media at Time Inc. and how they arrived at the decision to migrate to Drupal. He will also speak to the governance model that was put in place to train developers on Drupal and standardize best practices across the organization. Matt will speak to the unique management challenges of brining Drupal into a large organization such as Time Inc. and how he and his team overcame them.

Tanner Dorheim will speak to the tools and technical processes that were put in place to mange Drupal including Jenkins and Git. He will give an overview of how Time Inc. took on the challenge of distributing a consistent base application to the different magazine titles at Time Inc. He will also touch on the integration of Drupal with Time Inc. legacy systems including subscriber data.

Scott Bell will talk about the creative process for designing an editorial user interface that would ease the transition of Editorial staff from legacy systems onto Drupal. He will discuss how holding workshops with actual Editorial staff fed the requirements for the Editorial UI, and he will also touch on some of the key features included in the first release as well as some of the features mapped out for future releases.

Kevin Moll will discuss how the Editorial UI development team from Appnovation implemented many of the features using an Agile methodology.

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Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x
Time slot: 
Wednesday ยท 10:45-11:45
16 - Pantheon | 4th floor