The future of Drupal Statistics


Click here to watch The future of Drupal Statistics

The concept

Since Drupal 4.7, the Core Statistics module has remained almost completely untouched. The biggest change? Removing the accesslog. As of Drupal 8, its sole functionality is tracking hits to full page views of nodes. Want to track hits to other types of entities? Teasers? REST requests? Look elsewhere.

You might make the argument that, "Hey, the web analytics market is saturated, and so much is offered for free! Why even try to duplicate functionality offered by Google Analytics, SiteCatalyst, Webtrends, Piwik, ClickTale, Quantcast, New Relic, AppNeta, or so many other companies?"

Should we bid farewell and put Core Statistics out of its misery? I'd like to make the case that we should keep Statistics. Better yet, take it in a whole new direction.

The details

  • An overview of Core Statistics in 7.x and 8.x, and problems therein that contrib has tried to solve
  • An introduction to the concept of "integrated analytics" and how it fits in with the "web experience management" vision of Drupal
  • A proposed roadmap and vision for a minimum viable product in Drupal 9

The slides

Available here

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Drupal Version: 
Drupal 9.x
Time slot: 
Thursday ยท 02:15-03:15
15 - Commerce Guys | 4th floor