I've got a room booked with arrival 6/2 and checkout 6/7 at the Hilton Austin at the $212 / night rate. Please get in touch with me via my contact form on drupal.org.
Update: I have found a roommate. But, I would recommend creating a post of your own here and / or in your local groups.drupal.org group. I found my roommate through my local g.d.o. but I did have somebody contact me through this posting as well.
Roommate Needed
Am looking for a roommate that can share the cost of hotel bills with. Interested persons should constant me via same medium.
Available as a roommate - I'm hoping to stay at the Hilton
Hello - looking for a roommate at the Hilton? I could be your guy! I'm flying in Sunday night and flying out Saturday if you want to split the cost of your room. Please use the Drupal contact link for me: https://drupal.org/user/639254