File entity and Media modules heading to Drupal 8


Every keynote by Dries, and every time a new version of Drupal core is released, one of the biggest features asked for in Drupal 8 is better media handling. In contrib, the Media and File entity modules have proven to be successful and thriving despite the challenges with extending core functionality and having a diverse group of maintainers. Dave, a maintainer of both Media and File entity, will provide his proposal and plans for the following:

  • What the Media and File entity contrib modules will look like in Drupal 8
  • How the modules will integrated and extend new media and file features added into Drupal 8 core
  • The challenges that we foresee when porting and revamping these modules
  • Where help is necessary still in Drupal 8 to meet those challenges
  • Why extending the core concept of files is the desired way forward
  • A call to action to being porting the modules at the code sprint!

Notes to organizers: Talk would not take more than 30 minutes.

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Drupal 8.x


Dave Reid’s picture

There has already been a large amount of debate within the Media community about what approach to take for Drupal 8 and there are still two differing opinions: to start from scratch and make separate media entities (which the presentation you've linked to is presenting) and to port and fixup the existing File entity and Media modules (which this session is presenting). I wouldn't be opposed to merging the two, as long as both options can be presented fairly.