Calling all Drupal Super Heroes!

Click here to watch Calling all Drupal Super Heroes!

Benevolent Dictator for Life™ kidnapped!

Once upon a time, in a universe not so far away, life as we know it was dependent on the life-giving CMS (Completely Massive Software) that was ruled by the heroic Benevolent Dictator for Life™, also known as "The BLT™".

Lord Over-Engineering strikes again!

On his way to push the final release of the much awaited new version of The CMS, our hero falls prey to the evil Lord Over-Engineering! The future of humanity is in peril!

Will our heroes save the day?

Calling all Drupal Super Heroes! Will we be strong enough to save the day? Come to the Pre-Keynote in Austin – come in your superhero costume – to find out!

Why this session?

Get your DrupalCon on! Remember why you come? Well, there's also high energy, stupid jokes, and superhero costumes – What's not to like? Especially eye-opening if you've never been to DrupalCon or never gotten up early enough to see one of these.

Bonus: Everyone attending will learn Git

Yes, really.

Even Dries says: "Be there!"

Rob and jam put their special twist on the meaning of DrupalCon. It's been a fun-filled – and useful – surprise every time. If you only get up early once during DrupalCon, this is the morning to do it. And hey, at least you'll get better seats for my keynote right after." - Dries, the BLT™


Date: Tuesday, June 3
Time: 08:00-08:45
Room: Exhibit Hall - Keynotes | 1st floor


Crell’s picture

Does The Vest(tm) count as a super-hero costume?

rgs’s picture

Heard this was great fun last year and after seeing jam's superhero presentation at NYC Camp I know I won't miss it in Austin. Guess I'll have to go shopping for a cape...

giorgio79’s picture

Would have liked some elaboration on why you think Drupal 8 is being overengineered...

Giorgio79: If any names, places, or events in this fictional drama may bear resemblance to real people or places, it is entirely coincidental. No patches were hurt in the making of this session. The unauthorized cloning of this moment in space/time is probably and sanctioned.

- C.H.

dbcollies’s picture

Sounds good to me, though I'm more used to being on stage when I make a fool of myself in a strange outfit. I guess I can do it from the audience, for once. ;)