Having a skill in something means that you have a understanding, and knowledge to make yourself useful in performing that task. Gaining talent in whatever I put my mind to, has been my greatest skill. I could say that it started with the ultimate childhood toy, Lego.
Lego allowed my imagination to grow into something tangible. Bringing that to today, I have used that imagination to help develop tools for tasks that were not in place. I have been able to learn and improve on ideas that were just wishes, to make them reality.
Learning most of my skills through my desire to challenge myself, and to find solutions for whatever problem or situation is at hand. Formal education may not be where I got my training, but that has never stopped me from building on my knowledge by reading, and interacting with others in the field or community.
Participating in action sports, like freestyle bmx when I was younger, and lately the motorsport drifting, I have been in the “top of my class” as it were.
I also manage the team Drift Safari, which includes dealing with getting sponsors, planning events and setting up meetings with media, I don’t just manage the team, I also drive in a semi professional manner. My leadership and team skills have worked well for me on the track, in the workplace, and with the many people that I have become good friends with.
I am a team leader as well as a supporting member for many tasks, either professionally, or with friends. I have an excellent work reputation, relating to, and communicating with, all levels of management, or the general work force.