As the Director of Operations at Metal Toad, I lead the operations and project management teams. That means I'm involved with day-to-day operations, big-picture planning and operational projects, company process, managing/mentoring/leading project managers, organization-wide resourcing, and parts of just about every other facet of the business. Previously over several years of project management roles at the Toad, I worked with a number of industry leading-organizations including the Linux Foundation, DC Comics, FEARnet, Intel, PBS, ABC, Technicolor, and the Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra.
When not hard at work at Metal Toad, I enjoys cycling, climbing mountains and rocks, hiking, backpacking, running, and generally being active outdoors. With the small bits of time left after work and various outdoor adventures, my other hobbies include cooking, traveling, photography, reading and writing, learning new web languages, watching movies, and enjoying new music. I'm also the founder of PDX Digital PM, Portland's meetup group for digital project managers and producers.