No matter how small or hard the task, for projects both large and fast, Alec is the reigning head of "busting-ass" at Kalamuna.
You might be curious why you should come see Alec talk. Aside from having spoken at every California Drupal event known to man (BAD/GLAD/SANDCamp, SacDrupal, LA Drupal and the odd Drupal-related monkey knife fight), Alec has a strong commitment to having, at a minimum, 3 Star Trek or classic rock-related slides per presentation. Aside from pop culture references, Alec is a firm believer in keeping presentations simple and showing real demos, because it's more fun when something catches on fire.
While not running herd on projects and fighting in the Drupal trenches, you can find Alec spending time outdoors, enjoying finely crafted television, and getting nauseous on a Megabus heading to a Drupal Camp near you.