ZenDrupal: E-mail based case management with AbleOrganizer


Customer relationship management platforms like AbleOrganizer make engaging users easier than ever. But how do you support those users when they have a problem?

Most support requests are submitted via e-mail. Tracking and responding to these requests (cases) requires careful internal coordination for any non-trivial volume of e-mail. This means that response times drop, workload goes up, and cases get lost.

Many companies are turning to SaaS platforms like ZenDesk to manage their communications. These are great services, but going this route means siloing your customer interaction data apart from your customer relationship data.

Let's fix that.

This session will show you how to use common Drupal modules such as Mailhandler and Mail Comment to bring this data into AbleOrganizer, allowing you to spend less time providing better support to your userbase.

Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x