Your content should be future-friendly, too


The world is full of a variety of devices, and the list is ever expanding. There are phones, tablets, desktops, screen readers and new devices are being talked about accessing the web from cars to pure voice-enabled devices. Responsive web design has sought to solve for the many devices that will access content, but it falls short of ensuring the content is reusable in the future. For this, not only do we need to consider our content strategy and audience, but the actual meaning of each piece of content needs to be considered.

By attaching meaning to our content, we ensure they are stored in a method that can be used by websites, web apps, native applications, Google glass and whatever new platforms we will be finding in the future.

Our goal: To have all content be open, reusable, and meaningful on the backend. The rewards: Saving of time and money in the future, and allow content to be delivered to the user, no matter how they want to access it.

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