Validation with Symfony2 from a Drupal perspective


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When was the last time you wrote a web application without having to validate some data or user input? Probably long ago. In fact, validation is so important that most developers take a profound validation system for granted. Maybe that also explains why few people even realize that Drupal 8 uses a completely new validation engine underneath: The tried and tested Symfony2 Validator component.

In my talk, I will show you how to use the Validator component both in regular PHP applications and in Drupal 8. You will learn how the component works internally and how a few simple mechanisms will help you to fulfill most of your validation needs - from small websites to big enterprise applications.

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Symfony by SensioLabs
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 8.x
Time slot: 
Tuesday · 01:00-02:00
14 - SensioLabs


lipcpro’s picture

Will the slides of this presentation be available at some time afterwords?