Understanding forms for a better user experience


Do you want to learn how to build better forms to enhance user experience with Drupal? Forms are the key web components for interaction between users and the website. A deep knowledge in the forms workflow will help you to provide an improved user experience while keeping the website access secure and troubleshoot issues with forms.

In this session we will give a general overview of the features that the Drupal Form API provides, from the basiscs to more advanced topics like handing ajax events with forms. In addition, we will review some of the best practices when building custom forms or altering forms with Drupal. We will also perform a few practical examples with code demonstrated in a live Drupal installation. Also at the end of the talk we will discuss about the changes in the upcoming Drupal 8.

  • Basic Concepts, the form API
  • Form execution workflow
    • Validation and submission handlers
    • After build, pre-render and post-render callbacks
  • Form elements
    • Create a basic form
    • Upload and store an image with managed_file form element
    • Add date input to a form
    • Create new form element types
    • Fieldsets and Vertical Tabs
  • Working with the Ajax Framework
    • The #ajax property
    • Adding new input elements to a form
    • Altering form elements
  • More use cases
    • Multistep Forms
    • Draggable Table Forms
  • Best Practices
  • Changes in Drupal 8

This session has been given in past events as a workshop with a lot of interest and great feedback from the participants who had helped to improve this session over the time.

Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x


develCuy’s picture

Are you planning to propose a BoF after this session? I look forward to build something based off what you are planning to share, UX in Drupal forms has big room for improvements!