Understanding the Drupal 8 Plugin System


Click here to watch Understanding the Drupal 8 Plugin System

Drupal 8 introduces a new, yet familiar sub-system for extending and managing Drupal's default behavior: it's The Plugin System. If you've ever developed for Views or CTools than these concepts will probably already be familiar to you. The plugin architecture provides you with a common interface that allows you to easily extend and swap out functionality without having to re-implement boiler-plate code, all while keep all your logic in one place instead of scattered around info hooks and procedural callbacks.

This session is aimed at developers who are learning Drupal 8's new architecture and sub-systems. As a prerequisite, you should only need to know basic object-oriented programming.

In this session you will:

  • Learn how to identify where plugins exist (find opportunities to extend Drupal)
  • Learn how to create a module that provides a plugin for Drupal core
  • Know enough about Dependency Injection, Service Containers, Annotations, and PSR-0 to go a very long way
  • Learn how to define your own plugin type
  • Learn how to build a user interface to manage your own plugin-based sub-system
Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 8.x
Time slot: 
Wednesday · 03:45-04:45
18 - Acquia | 4th floor


rohitst’s picture

Loved the session .. Very good overview of plug ins and examples of how they work .