A Travel Guide to Contrib: The hitchhiker edition


Its the end of the world.... ok, maybe not. But navigating your way through the tunnels and castles of the contributed project space can sometimes feel like your project might never see the light of day.

I thought "there's a module for that", so where?? ....
There must be a @$#& way to do this....
I AM reading the docs!!!....

This session will help you turn the chaos into a comprehensive solution. We won't be able to solve everyone's problem, so we'll be providing a map!

Topics will include:

  • How to navigate contrib and find the module or project you need
  • Understand the line between using a contrib module vs writing something custom
  • Thinking like drupal
  • How to test a project without leaving traces in your project for that icky after-taste
  • A simple flow chart that can make anyone a contrib pro
Schedule info
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