Tablet-first: Using responsive design techniques to make a donor/fundraiser communication tool


OpenSourcery created a fully mobile- and tablet-responsive Drupal site for Princeton Giving, allowing fundraisers to create presentations targeted for micro-demographics (even individual donors). The project had several unusual features:

  • Narrow use-case: fundraisers walking donors through a presentation, in person
  • Tablet-first design: fully responsive to mobile and desktop viewports
  • Framework for developing on-brand, graphically-rich presentations, using standard Drupal node-editing tools
  • Content-first focus that deemphasizes obsessive layout in favor of delivering high-impact calls to action
Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x


nielsonm’s picture

This was one of the most original uses for a Drupal site I'd seen in a long time. The amazing part is that the amount of custom code was far lower than I expected. Drupal as a framework indeed!