Segway to the Future: Uninterrupted Transitions through the Language Multiverse


“What I need is a strong drink and a peer group” – Ford Prefect, The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Do you live a world dominated by verbal right-angles? Do you find walking to be an exhausting and antiquated exercise? If you answered "maybe??" to either of those questions, then this the session for you!

Since the dawn of time, humanity has struggled to connect seemingly disparate thoughts into coherent narratives, while simultaneously lamenting bipedal transportation. But don't despair, by the end of this existentially-challenging, soul-wrenching, alcohol-fueled, and technology-driven session, you will hold the keys to these and other unsolved mysteries in an infinite number of universes.

The session premise is simple:

Step 1: Buy a segway
Step 2: Create a power point presentation
Step 3: Incorporate the segway into your power point presentation

We guarantee that our session will contain absolutely NO meaningful content. Instead, our presentation consists only of segues and transition statements, all delivered from experts driving around on state-of-the-art segways.

So if your tired of long pauses, if your fed-up with your current pedestrian lifestyle, if you are ready to get serious about bending the constraints of time and space, then don't miss this session. It may be the most important session of your life.

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