Project Planning in Drupal: Obvious or Obscure?

When starting a new project in Drupal the planning and execution can be a maze of misleading false hopes and dead ends. Learn ways to avoid making those costly mistakes and ensure you are profitable.

Websites are quickly becoming more complicated than they were in the pre-smartphone era. Has your process adapted? With rising ambitions from clients are you able to manage their expectations? What do you do when you reach unchartered waters within your company?These are just some of the challenges development shops face today.

We may not have all the answers, but we have some stories to tell. From the modules we select for a project, to the types of interactions we have with the client; find out how even the smallest changes made along the way have made a huge difference to our company morale and profitability. Come learn from our failures, so they don’t become your failures too.

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Logantf17’s picture

I have definitely made a few of my own mistakes that, luckily, I have learned from. However, I am interested in the process that other people take and the mistakes that they have made so that I can learn from them as well.

I'd definitely look forward to seeing this.

I feel like this is the single biggest factor in whether or not my Drupal projects are successful. Sign me up for more training.

I can't tell you how many times I've been given a project that starts out with a list of simple requirements, but quickly balloons into a huge morphing pile of garbage. Any insight that could help me minimize these occurrences in projects would be awesome!

webchuck’s picture

Yeah, this has a lot of promise for an interesting discussion. I'm sure everyone has insights on what has worked well and hasn't worked for them.