The Past, Present, and Future of Infrastructure Automation


The divide between how Dev and Ops teams work used to be a giant chasm. Since John Allspaw's infamous talk on '10 Deploys a Day' and Patrick DeBois' followup founding DevOps Days in Belgium, an entire culture dedicated to bridging that once infinite abyss has taken the Web Operations world by storm: DevOps. At the core of DevOps is infrastructure automation and configuration management. We've made a ton of progress since 2009 and the birth of the DevOps movement. But where are we going next?

In this talk I aim to cover the rise of configuration management, how Cloud Computing made application deployment/systems integration/network stack automation/giving all the things an API a central concern for everyone, what popular frameworks (not just Chef) have done to facilitate full stack deployment, how that's changing the landscape for both developers and operations teams today, and where our practices are headed.

This is intended to be a high-level view of DevOps, with some appropriate lightning quick dives into technology specifics, intended to set a tone for why DevOps is as prominent as it is today and why you should start paying attention if you haven't gotten there yet. The target time allotment for this talk is 45-55 minutes.

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