A new way of theming, A talk about twig and SASS. and moving the theming to the browser


With the upcoming release of Drupal 8.x and the new template system, Twig, and its technical characteristics like extensible blocks; with SASS as a preprocessor and CSS frameworks. Is it possible to create a theme that avoids, to a maximum extent, the use of custom templates, custom preprocessing functions and hooks and focus on using SASS and the frameworks to do the whole theming.

In this talk We will present the idea that could be behind a theme like this, what is our goal in creating a "white canvas" theme, that allows the front end developer to avoid, as much as possible or at all, using custom templates and hooks and focus on front end developing using SASS, Jquery and Ajax to create the perfect front end with the desired Framework, whether is bootstrap, foundation, Zen Grids or any other framework that can be used with SASS.

Imagine a world where everything in the frontend is done with variables, mixins and CSS, help us give shape to this idea and lets discuss what may be needed to achieve this and really separate backend from the front end.

At the end of this talk you will have a better idea on how Twig can help you achieving this goal, how SASS can work to make your live easier and how can you help us to create a better way to do theming in Drupal 8.x.

In this talk we will try to cover the topics for both English and Spanish speakers as we did in Drupal Picchu 2014.

Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 8.x


develCuy’s picture

I own a very slow, crappy and stupid SmartTV, so it uses to break when browsing heady front-end flooded websites. The question is, how can TWIG and SASS help to build sites that perform well on mobile browsers if the theming happens on the browser?

P.S: I can buy a new TV but there are thousands of people that already bought the same in my country :(

camoa’s picture

It is not heavy JS based Front End, The idea is to use HTML and CSS to create your front end, and reduce at the most the need for developers to create complex cde to obtain the desired effect or presentation.