Media Management in Drupal


Drupal’s media management capabilities has become more robust over the years, this session will explore how organizations can configure Drupal to serve their media management needs. The focus of the session will be on “a configurable web approach” to leverage existing modules, distributions and other tools to achieve the goal of the organization.

The session will look at the following aspects of how Drupal can fulfill an organization’s media management needs:

  • Pros/Cons of media management in Drupal
  • Your media needs: images, videos, documents, external media assets
  • Using Drupal as a Digital Asset Management System (DAM)
  • A look at modules, distributions and other tools for media management in Drupal
  • Centralized media management
  • Media + Search
  • Looking ahead:
  • Digital rights management
  • Video transcoding
  • Media usage tracking

Attendees will be able to better understand the benefit/drawbacks of using Drupal to manage the media needs. The attendees will also be able to learn about existing modules, distributions and other tools available in Drupal without additional development/customization. Finally the session will also provide an evaluation matrix for organizations to use as a guide for determining if Drupal is the right choice for them.

Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x