Make the Most out of Sass


Frontend development has changed immensely in the last few years, from the painful writing of CSS to using CSS preprocessors. Sass has allowed faster and easier development workflows, as well as more efficient CSS output. But each day that goes by, the tools available in Sass grow immensely, and keeping track of them seems a daunting task. Do not despair! This session will go over some of the most effective tools in Sass development, and how you can utilize them on your next project. All the tools and processes here will be Drupal-version agnostic, so can be used on Drupal 6, 7 or 8 sites.

We will go over the advantages of Compass over Bourbon, what compass extensions are incredibly useful, and the people and places where you can always find the most accurate information. Most importantly, we will go over some simple rules of thumb to ensure your Sass is written efficiently and in a reusable manner.

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