Keep Your Website Mojo: Future Proof It, Baby


According to a recent HubSpot survey, most companies undergo a website redesign every 6 months to 2 years. Yet, 1/3 of marketers were not happy with their last redesign.

With redesign costs between $80,000 and $500,000, how can you increase the longevity of that initial website redesign investment?

Balance Interactive and USTelecom Association will explore real world examples of websites that have withstood time to retain not only a fresh look, but have continued to evolve as new techniques and technologies have entered the market.

Walk away understanding:

What four key decisions you MUST make in the redesign process to build a site with longevity.

A proven process for planning for and implementing incremental improvements.

How to prepare now, for future advances in technology.

Real world examples of how Drupal created longevity where other systems could not.

Schedule info
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