Journey to the center of the Drupalicon (Learning Drupal for fun and profit)


This session will cover the different ways you can learn drupal and the experience of making Drupal your career.

This session will cover how I learned drupal and why I chose Drupal as a career. I will also discuss the role the Drupal community has played in my career so far.

Topics I will cover:

  • My (accidental) introduction to Drupal and the community
  • How Drupal became my career
  • My journey on the learning curve of Drupal
    • All the new ways of learning drupal (and some tips for training others)
  • Different ways of getting help (mentoring, training, etc)
  • Introducing a new program for learning and making Drupal your career too!

This session will also be encouraging other people recently joining Drupal to share their experience during the Q&A towards the end for more of a panel experience. There will also be a BoF scheduled after this session to discuss how to improve the experience for other people looking to make Drupal their career.

Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: