Introducing the Drupal 8 Console scaffolding module generator


Every modern framework nowadays provides helpers & scaffolding tools for automatic code generation. This tools are useful for speeding up the process of starting a new project and avoid the repetitive tasks.

The purpose of this session is to build a module through a live demo and show how to take advantage of the Symfony Console Component to provide a CLI tool to automate the creation of Drupal 8 modules by generating the directory structure for a module, controllers, forms, services, plugins and required configuration files.

Topics included on the session:
- Composer
- Namespace
- Dependency Injection
- Annotation
- Routing
- Controller

By the end of this session you will learn how building modules for Drupal 8.

Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 8.x


Any carrot I can offer to agnostic PHP developers is a win. Being able to teach those developers how to quickly get started with Drupal projects is a huge win.

Whether this is an accepted talk or not, I'm looking forward to here about this first hand. I hope that it is an topic so that as many people can learn about this as possible.

jmolivas’s picture

Thanks @cosmicdreams even if my session is no accepted I do have plans to keep spreading the word about this project and receive feedback in order to make this a more solid tool.

Plan B will be a BOF session.