Individuals and interactions: The forgotten principle that makes Agile and DevOps work


It seems like everyone in the Drupal world is either succeeding at using some interpretation of Agile project management, failing at it or are looking into doing one or the other. This has resulted in all sorts of discussions around the applicability of Agile to web projects, projects that traditionally have lots of upfront design or even wether or not Agile is the right fit for consultancies at all.

At the same time the DevOps conversation in the Drupal world is focussed mainly around new shiny tools that can promise to automate our entire workload into a single button press so that we can all go to pub.

This session takes a step back in both perspective and time and looks at the agile principles as they were originally written - from the developer's perspective.

It will focus on how to really get the most out of your development teams using Agile ideas and methods (mainly XP, Scrum and Kanban) focussing primarily on the first principle in the agile manifesto. It will also connect this to the DevOps concept of culture (the C in DevOps CAMS).

Along the way we will come to some concrete recommendations on how to make the most of your agile adoption.

Topics include:

- The agile manifesto (a quick revision)
- "C" is for Culture in DevOps and it comes _before_ automation!
- Processes and tools are informed by how people interact with each other (and not the other way round)
- How to avoid the tool fetish trap
- Focussing on team culture over project culture
- Moving away from command and control work assignment to a "pull" system
- Developer "ease", morale and general mental health
- Getting developers form self-organisation to self-actualisation

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