A typical enterprise website today relies on service oriented architecture to bring multiple pieces of functionality into the hands of their clients. How do you manage a project that entails the integration of multiple applications owned by multiple vendors and on multiple timelines?
JoMarie Hoholik is a seasoned veteran and has successfully (and sometimes not so successfully) managed projects that have integrated Drupal with multiple applications owned by multiple vendors. Join her and some of her clients in a discussion on best practices.
If you are a CMO or CIO in charge of your next redesign come to learn:
- What you should be expecting of (demanding from?) your vendor team in order to get the greatest level of support from them.
- How to handle “finger pointing” between vendor firms.
- Lessons learned from the SOA trenches. Grand failures and tremendous successes as told by our clients.
If you are a website redesign vendor you will learn:
- How to start out on the right foot with other vendors on your team.
- What you need to share in order to make the project a success.
- Lessons in how to leverage each other for this project and for future client engagements (creating long term partnerships).
- Key ways to piss all the other vendors off and how to avoid that.
Walk away with the best practices in vendor management and discover how to better serve the overall good of your mutual client when working with other vendors.