Over the past year, we've pushed the limits of Drupal creating the Demo Framework. Intended to be a starter kit for promoting enterprise-ready Drupal solutions, we use this framework to demo Drupal to our potential clients. This packaged solution uses modules from popular distributions like Spark, Commerce Kickstart, Commons and Panopoly to deliver engaging digital experiences with Drupal.
Topics for this Session to Include:
- Case Study - delivering ”Wow thru visual storytelling” through a live demonstration.
- Demoing Drupal - user personas, demo scenarios, scripts and best practices.
- Installing and configuring Demo Framework for use in your own client demos.
- Best practices for building a robust POC that goes beyond a generalized demo scenario.
- Demo Architecture - a.k.a. what goes into making a distro that tells the story of Drupal.
- Q/A - getting involved with distributions, demos, and feedback from the audience.
The primary goal for this session is to help enable people that sell Drupal by providing them with a new and intuitive tool in the Demo Framework. With this platform for creating scenarios, attendees will understand using distributions to leverage repeatable Drupal architecture. By "standing on the shoulders of giants" individuals can take advantage of everything the CMS has to offer.