Confessions of a remote Worker


The benefits of allowing knowledge workers (those whose main working capital is knowledge, and who generally tackle non-routine, problem solving tasks day-to-day) to telecommute are being recognized more and more by companies large and small across the globe. This small shift is being heralded in the developer community and, to some degree, by company executives who see benefits to their bottom line. But there is a lot of confusion about what a 100% remote environment looks like - both to the worker and to management.

In this talk we'll cover some of the common misconceptions about remote working, what a real, day-to-day environment might look like, and chat about why many managers focus on the wrong metrics when trying to evaluate the success of remote workers.

I'll make some confessions, we'll talk about proper attire, some essential skills for remote workers, and why it's okay to play a game of minesweeper here and there.

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