Are you hungry? Hungry for content?! How ‘bout your site? Come on down and hear about how Feeds can fill your site full of good stuff!
Oh… maybe you think Feeds is only for pulling in RSS content? Think again. Sure, Feeds is great for ongoing content feeds like RSS and social media aggregation, but it also helps with content migrations, bulk media and file population, content manipulations, populating taxonomy terms on existing content, and more.
We’ll be jawing about...
- Use cases for Feeds
- Recipes for good content vittles
- Stew full of entity types, parsers, and other ingredients
- Adding in fixings like Feeds plugins and Feeds Tamper
- Feeding schedule with Job Scheduler
- Nutritional guidelines so feeds won't bloat or starve your site.
- And plenty more...
So… are you hungry for feeds? Lets eat!
About the speaker:
Aimee has been in the web world since the 90s working as a web architect and project manager dealing a variety of Enterprise content management systems. She has presented at BADCamps, Stanford camps, SANDCamp, and other Drupal camps and user group meetings. Check out her page and work history for more info.
It's a shame this wasn't an
It's a shame this wasn't an accepted session!
If you are at DrupalCon....
If you are at DrupalCon, we can chat about feeds if you have a question / thoughts. Thank you for the support! :)