Agile Product Development: A Journey Through Uncharted Waters


At BioRAFT we are using agile product development methodologies, techniques and approaches.  Our current process evolved after much retrospection.  As a growing team, it was imperative that we establish development standards to minimize both product and technical debt.  I will share our journey, the tools we have used, and when we decided to make the 'jump' to using new technologies.

How to optimize your development process

  1. Trust & Acceptance of current method
  2. Retrospectives
  3. Make changes
  4. Repeat

Reasons why you would change your process

  • Identify your objective: the fine line between waterfall and agile
  • Establishing development standards: minimizing technical and product debt
  • Growing pains: how more people on your team affects the process

Specific tools covered

  • Lists - Basecamp
  • Kanban - Trello
  • Issue Tracking - Jira
Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 


mlncn’s picture

Looking forward to attending and learning... even if i can't see using Basecamp and Jira of my own free will! Knowledge earned from experience is priceless when someone of Diliny's caliber is the one to communicate it.