Aegir: deployment and management large network of Drupal websites


The goal of the presentation is to uncover the Aegir hosting system and make it clear how it can be useful in organisations that wants to deploy a large network of websites.

You will leave the presentation with more knowledge about:

  • A full overview of Aegir hosting system
  • A list of Aegir standard and non-typical use cases
  • The do and don't of Aegir
  • Aegir terminology
  • Internal structure of Aegir
  • Advanced usage of Aegir by using Barracuda/Octopus projects
  • Past, present and future of Aegir hosting system

And the most importantly you will get a real world example of Aegir implementation for large corporate client with following points:

  • Initial client business goals
  • Advantages for the Drupal agency doing the job
  • Advantages for the client
  • Technical solution overview with hosting schema
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