Absolute Beginners Guide to Drupal

Course Description

This class really is aimed at absolute Drupal beginners.

You'll learn all of the key concepts you need to understand, navigate and use a Drupal site.

You'll learn how to build a Drupal 7 site, from content and user organization, to working with modules and themes.

Learning Objectives

Here's what we cover in the class:

Part 1: Introduction to Drupal: What? Who? When? Why?
Part 2: Installing Drupal
Part 3: Navigating the Drupal interface
Part 4: Understanding Drupal content
Part 5: Managing Drupal content using content types
Part 6: Adding data fields to Drupal content
Part 7: Choosing and configuring modules
Part 8: Choosing and configuring themes
Part 9: Configuring and working with Drupal user permissions

Every attendee gets 6 benefits:

1. Live training: Practical, hands-on training from experienced Drupal teachers
2. Book: A copy of Drupal Explained, a 400+ page book version of the class
3. Cheat sheet: All the key information from the class in one useful guide
4. Support: Six months of forum support with same-day answers to your questions
5. Videos: Six months of access to our online Drupal training and support
6. Completion certificate: A personalized completion certificate


Class begins at 9am, lunch is at 11:45, class ends at 5.

Who will gain the most from this course?

This is class is aimed at absolute Drupal beginners. We aim to take Drupal newcomers and get them ready to fully take part in DrupalCon.

Prerequisites for this course

There are no pre-requisites for this class. We assume that all students start with no Drupal experience.

Event Information

Date: Monday, June 2
Time: 09:00-05:00
Cost: $475.00 - included breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks

Hide Course Information
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x