Launching an Online Store with Commerce Kickstart

Course Description

Drupal Commerce is an open source eCommerce framework developed to help you create unique online shopping experiences. Its core modules provide the basic systems you need to do business online without hard-coding assumptions for any particular business model, allowing you to build sites that meet your business needs instead of getting in your way.

Built on top of Drupal Commerce, Commerce Kickstart 2.0 is a distribution of Drupal that installs a demo store out of the box, implementing a variety of eCommerce best practices and improving the store administrator user experience. It is feature-rich, including numerous contributed modules that add helpful functionality to Drupal Commerce.

In this course, you will learn how to launch your next online store with Drupal Commerce from project creators Commerce Guys. Through a series of alternating lessons and hands-on exercises, you will install Commerce Kickstart in an optimized hosting environment, customize it, and prepare to launch your own fantasy store during this day long training. Handbooks will be provided, but each student should come prepared with a Drupal development environment on a laptop they can use for the duration of the training.

Learning Objectives

This course has one objective: to ensure everyone leaves the day equipped with the knowledge and confidence to launch their next eCommerce project. We do this through alternating periods of instruction with periods of hands on exercise and continual pointers to reference materials and tools that you'll need in the future.


The course starts at 9 AM with introduction, a feature overview of Commerce Kickstart, an explanation of the architecture of Drupal Commerce (with specific focus on products), and explorations of both the entity system and Rules.

We'll take an hour lunch at 11:45.

After lunch, we dig into the details of product pricing (including price lists, discounts, taxes, and currency conversion), customize the shopping cart and checkout functionality, discuss payment and payment security, and examine a variety of contributed modules that add critical functionality to the site.

Who will gain the most from this course?

Experienced Drupal users who understand the basic architecture or Drupal and are ready to apply their knowledge to building an online store will get the most out of this course. Anyone with a concrete objective in mind - i.e. an immediate need for delivering an eCommerce project - will be well served by the hands on exercises and Q&A time.

Prerequisites for this course

Attendees should have some eCommerce experience and be used to Drupal 7. Prior experience with Views and Rules is not required but is certainly helpful. Students looking to prepare should spend some time reading tutorials or watching videos about Rules 2, Views 3, or Drupal Commerce itself.

Event Information

Date: Monday, June 2
Time: 09:00-05:00
Cost: $475.00 - included breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks

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Commerce Guys
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x