Introduction to the Symfony Core Components

Course Description

This one day hands on training will help you to get started with most of the Symfony2 Core Components used by Drupal 8 and to learn some of the best object oriented design best practices. During the workshop, you will build a small PHP web application by introducing the Symfony Core Components. From step to step, you will also discover how to refactor your code to keep it clean and as simple as possible.

Learning Objectives

You'll learn object oriented design best practices in PHP and get the basics to understand the internals of Drupal 8 thanks to the Symfony components.


Class begins at 9am, lunch is at 11:45, class ends at 5.

Who will gain the most from this course?

This training course is targeted to PHP and Drupal developers who want to improve their object oriented design skills.

Prerequisites for this course

  • Good knowledge of PHP development and basics of object oriented programming
  • Attendees must bring their own laptop, equipped with PHP5.4 (minimum) and XDebug extension

Event Information

Date: Monday, June 2
Time: 09:00-05:00
Cost: $475.00 - included breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks

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Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 8.x